You Are More Than A Conqueror

God’s destiny for you isn’t based on how you feel, or what you are going through or what you can’t see ahead of you.  You might think that you are stuck in a situation and that nothing good lies in your future, but nothing is further from the truth! You must grow in your faith and realize that you are just as anointed today to do what God has called you to do as you were 20 years ago!  Destiny is the predetermined, inevitable or irresistible, course of events that will happen to a particular person in the future, and it is important to remember that God’s destiny for you will not change.  Your actions might cause you to wander in the wilderness for a period of time, but ultimately you will realize that God is in control and you must yield to His will for your life.

We are more than conquerors.  You have more than enough within you to walk into the destiny that God has already ordained for your life.  Get beyond the hindrances in yourl ife; conquer them, rise above them. Too often people allow adversity to become the final verdict over their lives because they faithfully poured themselves into something that was close to their heart only to one day see that it did not turn out to be what they had envisioned.  There is a feeling of defeat that can penetrate your soul that could cause you to question your self-worth, let alone think that you have a bright future.  This would be true if you allow the enemy to have his way, but God’s word says that you can do all things through Christ who will give you the strength.

Somewhere on the road to greatness, you find yourself in a fight – you must fight the battle going on in your own mind. Talk to any great person and they will tell you that their journey was not an easy one but they had to fight to get to the top.  You don’t know the end of your story. Even if the worst has happened to you, it is not over yet.  Expect a miracle that will take you from where you are now to where you are going.  Stand on the promise made in Psalm 23:6 which says “surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”