The Law of Expectation

Most of us have found out one of life’s truths – you will not always get what you want when you want it. Sometimes you will have to wait for success but delayed gratification has its own reward.  You cup will run over with joy when you receive something that you have longed for and worked so hard to achieve, so it is important that we always remain hopeful.

The law of expectation means that you have done all that you could do and now you are living in hope, expecting God to bless the work of your hands.  Your success in life depends upon your living in faith.  You must choose to believe or not to believe; you can believe for the better or you can believe for the worse, but God wants you to have an abundant life so you must expect more.  The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God, so a lack of faith will only limit God whereas faith releases God to act on your behalf. Faith is like a muscle – it grows stronger the more you use it.

God rewards those who put their trust in Him.  Live with expectancy.  Live in faith.  God is a faithful God and His Word tells us that ‘according to your faith it will be done unto you.’ Never give up and never stop believing God for your miracle.  It may not come when you want it to but as long as you have hope all things are possible.