The Law of Expectation

Most of us have found out one of life’s truths – you will not always get what you want when you want it. Sometimes you will have to wait for success but delayed gratification has its own reward.  You cup will run over with joy when you receive something that you have longed for and worked so hard to achieve, so it is important that we always remain hopeful.

The law of expectation means that you have done all that you could do and now you are living in hope, expecting God to bless the work of your hands.  Your success in life depends upon your living in faith.  You must choose to believe or not to believe; you can believe for the better or you can believe for the worse, but God wants you to have an abundant life so you must expect more.  The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God, so a lack of faith will only limit God whereas faith releases God to act on your behalf. Faith is like a muscle – it grows stronger the more you use it.

God rewards those who put their trust in Him.  Live with expectancy.  Live in faith.  God is a faithful God and His Word tells us that ‘according to your faith it will be done unto you.’ Never give up and never stop believing God for your miracle.  It may not come when you want it to but as long as you have hope all things are possible.



Trust God

Jesus has told us that in this world we world have trouble.  He also told us not to fear because he had overcome the world.  If you believe the Lord, and if you trust God, you too will live as an overcomer.  The secret is in trusting God at all times and in all things.  People change; circumstances change and yes, even you will change as you grow in the Lord, but there is one thing that will never change and that is Almighty God.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever and you can count on Him to do exactly what He has said He will do.  The Bible contains over 1000 promises, and just as that great cloud of witnesses experienced the truth of God’s word, so shall you as a child of God.

In this life you will find that not every one can be trusted and if you have been hurt in the past because you put your trust in someone who turned out to be untrustworthy, you might be reluctant to trust anyone.  But being unable to trust is a form of bondage.  The enemy of your soul would love for you to live your life alone, relying totally on yourself.  You need a new beginning and trusting your heavenly Father is the best way to learn to trust again.  You have a friend who will never leave you, and above all, you have a friend who has loved you all of your life whether you were aware of it or not.  The Lord Jesus Christ is a present help in the  time of trouble and he wants to be a part of your earthly journey and he will be with you in your time of trouble even if he has to carry you during the dark times in your life.

Trust God.  Open your heart and let Him show you what so many other Christians already know – that He is faithful and true.

Do You Believe?

Do you have an unfulfilled dream?  Are you getting out of your boat at Jesus’ bidding to do something remarkable?  If so, you are a believer.  A believer is someone who has heard the voice of God, believes God, and then does what God has told him/her to do.  Even if their circumstances do not line up with God’s word, they pursue because of their faith in God. Other people hear from God, but they do not believe what God has told them will come to pass. Therefore, they will do nothing and miss out on God’s best for them.

If you are struggling with believing God, first visualize your dream – see it. Next, believe that God will guide you and open doors for you that no one else could have opened.  Then you must act.  You must do whatever you need to do to accomplish your goal, and when times get tough, remember your past victories.  God was with you then and He is with you now.  Finally, you should share your testimony.  The Bible says that we overcome by the word of our testimony.  You just might be the inspiration that someone else needs to push them to the next level.

Never doubt God or His word no matter how difficult the journey gets.  There is no prize for unbelief.  Never give up.  Greatness comes through struggle – just ask any of the gold medal Olympians.  Anything worthwhile has to be fought for, so keep your eyes on the prize.  Live your life as a believer and not a doubter and you will reach the destiny God has planned for you.

Are You Denying Jesus?

The gospels tell us the story of Peter denying Jesus three times in one evening. After Jesus told him prophetically that this was going to happen, Peter could not accept this because of his love for his Lord. Yet, it happened. Peter was sorrowful but he could not take back what he had done. He had made a big mistake and had hurt someone he loved very much.

There are many ways to deny Jesus Christ and it doesn’t matter how much you love Him,our flesh can get the better of us and we, too, can wind up hurting our Lord and Savor. Christians living an ungodly lifestyle are denying the Lord. Disobeying God and His commandments is also a form of denying Jesus. Not loving our neighbor as we love ourselves is denying the one who gave His life for all of mankind.

God looks at our heart. God looks at the reasons why we do the things we do, and if we really search our hearts, we probably will find some area of our life that is not totally surrendered to God. Don’t allow Satan a place in your life so that he can cause you to deny someone you love very much. Peter regretted his actions, but we can avoid this type of pain by letting the world see the light within us. Don’t be ashamed to stand up for what is right, even if you are the only one standing. Be willing to pick up your cross and follow Jesus. We are in this world but not of this world. We are spiritual beings having this natural experience. Hold steady and remember that your actions speak louder than your words.