Living Without Fear

Fear is a state of mind that is common to both young and old, rich or poor and all nationalities. Children fear being alone; young people fear rejection and adults fear death but God has told us 365 times in the Bible not to fear. God knew that we would be tempted to fear, so He made it a point to remind us that fear does not come from Him. Fear comes from the enemy of our soul, but because of who we are, the children of God have divine assurance that they are never alone. God is always with us. Psalm 34:4 tells us that when you seek the Lord, He will hear you and He will deliver you from all of your fears. Psalm 91 tells us to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and we will have no fear.

The condition of our world continues to deteriorate, so it is important that we have a relationship with our heavenly Father. God is our shield and our protector, therefore, by His mercy and His grace we can live out our lives in total peace being fully pursuaded that if God be for us, who can be against us?

Remember, it is the Lord who goes before you and He will help you in your time of need. Take God at His word and no matter what, trust Him. You have nothing to fear.