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What Is In Your Heart?

Society judges us on what we look like, or in other words, on our appearance and that goes for popularity, money and what we do for a living.  God, on the other hand, judges us by what is in our heart.  Your integrity is much more important to God than what you look like or how much money you have or what position you hold.  Looks don’t define who you are; how much money you have doesn’t begin to tell the story, and your job only tells us what you do.  None of these tell the real story of who you really are.  You could be an attractive person with lots of money but have a heart made of stone.  The things you do and the words you speak all come from what is in your heart.  If you love people and care about them, you will help them whenever you can.  You will speak kind words to them and you will make yourself available when called upon.  You don’t have to look good or have a lot of money to have a heart filled with love like your heavenly Father.

The heart is God’s measuring stick.  The Bible tells us that God’s ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts, and if you want to please God, you should always be mindful of what is in your heart.  Your heart controls what you do and what you say.  If your heart is evil, you will think evil thoughts and do evil things.  If your heart is filled with love, you will be a vessel and allow the love of God to flow through you to the world around you.

People can’t see your heart but God can.  Take some time to get alone with God and ask him if there is anything in your heart that he disapproves of.  Ask God to create in you a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within you.  If you do, he will answer you and help you to become like David and be known as a person after God’s own heart!


If God Be For You, Who Can Be Against You?

“What shall we then say to these things?  If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).

The children of God are fighting a fixed fight.  Satan will do everything in his power to discourage you while you are on this earth, but he knows that the war has already been won.  The Lord Jesus Christ died on a cross, was buried and arose on the third day.  He ascended to Heaven where he is now making intercession for you.  God gave us His best when He gave us His only begotten Son and because of his shed blood on Calvary, every one who believes will have everlasting life.

God has already done all that has to be done for your salvation, and if He gave the world His Son, how much more will He do to guide, protect and provide for those who love Him?   Jehovah Jireh, as Moses called him on Mount Moriah, will provide everything you need to sustain you in this life.  You might be going through a difficult time right now but remember that you are not alone and that God is for you.  Most of all remember that ‘no weapon formed against you shall prosper.’ (Isaiah 54:17).  God has a plan for your life and He wants you to know His will so that you become the person He has created you to be.

It doesn’t matter who might be against you because with God on your side, you will always win.  God loves you and nothing will ever separate you from His love.  Walk with confidence and trust that because of God’s love you have all that you need to be successful not only in this life, but in the life to come.



There is a story about a little boy who woke up in the middle of the night because he smelled smoke.  The smoke was in his room and the only thing he could think to do was to climb out his window onto the roof.  It was so dark and smoky that as he stood on the roof he could not see anyone but he heard the voice of his father yelling for him to jump.  The boy was scared and because he could not see his father, he would not jump.  His father kept yelling at him to jump but he was afraid so he yelled back into the darkness that he could not jump because he could not see his father.  His father yelled back at him that it didn’t matter because he could see him.

You might not know where God is leading you today but the most important thing for you to remember is that God sees you.  You don’t have to know all the details; all you have to do is trust your heavenly Father to catch you and lead you to the destiny that He has for you.  We walk by faith and not by sight.  This is not always easy but it is sometimes necessary.  The challenge is to take the first step and then leave it up to God what happens after that.

God is your provider and He is your protector.  God has a plan and He will make sure that all things will work out together for your good.  Trust that – believe that.  Your journey on this earth is a walk of faith and without faith it is impossible to please God.  You will never know all that God has prepared for you if you refuse to live by faith.  Listen to that still small voice speaking to you.  That voice will show you the path to take and if you listen and obey, you will live in the promises that only the faithful obtain.


A New Beginning For A New Year

Happy New Year!

Below is a message from the Lord:

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  (Jeremiah 29:11).

This is such good news to start out 2014.  What else matters?  Nothing going on in your life right now has your heavenly Father stressed out.  Everything about you – past, current and future is in His hands.  He was there when you came into this world and He will be there when you make your transition from earth to glory.  Circumstances change, people change but the one sure thing in your life that will never change is God.  You are not walking alone.  You even have an advocate who daily prays for you.  That is more than enough to jump start you this new year, but if you find yourself not being able to embrace the good that God has in store for you this year, remember the following words taken from Philippians 3:13 “brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before.”

No one can re-do yesterday; no one has been promised tomorrow so all you have is today.  Let go of all the pain, disappointments, failures and negative things that have occurred in your life.  Forgive every thing and every one who has ever hurt you and hold your head up and walk right into 2014 knowing that you are a child of the Most High God.  Never let go of God’s unchanging hand and you will look back this time next year and say with joy “that was the best year of my life!”

You have a new beginning for a new year.  Make the most of every day.  Spread the love of God to all that you meet and watch how it will come back to you “pressed down, shaken together and running over.”


When Life Throws You A Curve Ball

I’ve been told that the curve ball is one of the hardest pitches to hit because the ball looks like it’s going to come across the plate at a certain spot and then at the last second it changes course.  Life is the same way.  We all hope and plan that our lives will go a certain route and then out of the blue, things change and we wind up in situations that we never thought we would be in.  Christians are told to walk by faith and not by sight and if you keep that in mind along with the belief that Romans 8:28 is true in that all things will work together for our good, then you will learn over time how to hit the curve balls that come your way.

Unexpected events can either be a blessing or a curse depending on your attitude.  If you are an optimist, you will embrace change and respond with the attitude that you have been given an opportunity to begin something new and different.  If you are a pessimist, you will not take kindly to change and resist it and want everything to remain as it has always been.  Changes are to make you better and not bitter.  How will you ever know the extent of what you can do if you never risk doing something you have never done.

The Apostle Paul tells us that we are to forget those things that are behind us and to press forward to those things that are ahead of us.  As 2013 draws to a close, no matter what your circumstances are right now, embrace the new year.  The unfortunate things that happen to you do not define you.  Your response to what happens in your life defines who you really are and if you have the Lord Jesus Christ with you, there is nothing you will be unable to do even if it means starting over.  You might feel sorry for yourself because you are not in the place you want to be but if you open your eyes, you will see that you are in a better position that many.  Be thankful for what you do have and realize that it is only by the grace of God that you are here today.

When life throws you a curve ball, hold on to God’s unchanging hands and believe in your heart that you will make it through.  If you can’t see very far ahead of you right now, walk as far as you can see and trust that your heavenly Father will order your steps in His word.  When life throws you a curve ball, stand firm in the batter’s box with your head held high and hit that ball out of the park!


The Perfect Gift

There is a story about a man who decided that he needed God, so he finds the highest mountain and begins the long hard climb to the top.  He wants very much to find God so that he can leave with God all of the pain and hardships that he has to deal with in the valley where he lives.  Unknown to him, God is climbing down the other side of the mountain.  God has left his home because man is not able to reach Him on their own.  God wants to take away all of the pain that man is forced to live with and the only way for that to happen was for Him to come down the mountain.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

This Christmas you will probably receive gifts you like and need and probably one or two gifts that you don’t really need.  Our heavenly Father, has given each one of us the perfect gift.  This gift was His Son, Jesus Christ.  The gift of Jesus will not only enable you to successfully deal with all of the turmoil in this world, but once you accept God’s gift, you will also inherit eternal life and live with your Lord and Savior forever.  The Bible says that ‘every good and perfect gift comes from above’ and Jesus is the perfect gift that should continuously be given out every day of the year.

Jesus, the perfect gift, will change your life and you will become someone who loves not only their family and friends, but also their enemies.  God is love and His Son, Jesus, died on the cross for the sins of all mankind – not just some of us but all of us.  What better gift to give to someone who is in the valley right now.  Share Jesus with the people God has put in your life.  The price has already been paid, so all you need to do is share this precious gift that is unlike any gift anyone will ever receive.  It is a gift of love.  It is the gift of redemption and salvation. It is the perfect gift.  It has been given to you – now give it away.





You Will Come Out Of This

It’s been proven that when the human body becomes emotionally charged either through anger or fear, the body will produce chemicals that heighten our state of emotions and we have a greater source of strength than we have in a normal state.  It’s the same in the spiritual world.  The children of God have something in them that gives them the strength to either stand their ground under harsh circumstances and not give up or to fight an emeny that wants to defeat them by any means possible.

This something is already within you but it only manifests itself in a crisis.  I’m sure you have experienced a time when you were able to do something you can’t explain when you were under an enormous amount of stress.  As you reflect on it, you ask yourself “how did I make it through that?”  You made it through because the spirit of God pushed you to a new level of faith and trust in God that caused you to not only endure, but to become a winner in every sense of the word.

It is important that you recognize that it is the power of God that gives you strength to push forward.  You can do all things through Christ and you are never to take any of God’s glory.  God was the one who made a way for you when there was no way.  God was your bridge over troubled waters.  God is your friend when everyone else has left you alone, and God is the one who will be with you not only when you leave this earth, but He will be with you throughout eternity.

By giving the world the gift of His only begotten Son, God has proven to us that He thinks you are worth saving.  You might be in the middle of some very hard challenges, but yours is a fixed fight – you have already been declared the winner.  Satan knows that he loses the big one so he does everything he can to steal your peace and your happiness while you are on this earth.

You will come out of this because no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgment shall be condemned. That is the heritage of the servants of the Lord (Isaiah 54:17).  If God be for you, tell me who can be against you?

God Knows Your Story

If you are struggling with feelings that tell you that your life doesn’t matter or that no one really cares about you, I want you to know today that God knows all about you and He cares about your life and what you are going through.  If you only knew just how much, you would be amazed.

It’s difficult to have a clear view of your life when you are right in the middle of life’s challenges trying to keep your head above water, but God wants you to have a view from the top.  He wants you to know the love He has for you is real and once you accept His gift of love, you will never feel alone again.

God promised never to leave you alone.  He has always been with you even before you were aware of His presence.  He knows your thoughts and the intent of your heart.  He knows your dreams and He knows your frustrations and He knows those things that you fear the most.  He knows and He cares and that is why He has adopted you into His family.  You have a place in the family of God that no one can ever take away from you. The most important thing you must remember is that every child of God is somebody – somebody that is so loved that He could not allow His child to become separated from Him.  To prevent this, He made the greatest sacrifice love can make and that was to give us His only begotten Son to purchase your redemption so that you will forever be with Him.

Part of your story might include a time when you did things that you would not do today but it doesn’t matter.  Your past is just that – it is past.  Enjoy your walk with the Lord and know that you are loved and accepted just as you are.  You belong to God and the miracle of it all is that God belongs to you!


Don’t Forget To Thank ‘Him’

Have you ever done something that you thought was special for someone only to have it ruined when you realized that they never thanked you for it?  There is a story in the Bible about ten lepers who were healed by Jesus but only one came back to thank him.  Even Jesus expected a thank you from them because he asked the one who did return ‘where are the nine’?  The other nine took their healing for granted.  I’m sure that they enjoyed the benefits of being able to return home to their family and friends, but they did not take the time to show their appreciation.

Don’t be guilty of not letting people know how grateful you are for the things that they do for you.  Your show of gratitude will not only bless the person who did something for you, but it will also bless you because God will see your appreciation and will allow more blessings to come into your life because of your attitude.  Saying ‘thank you’ is a sign of what’s in your heart and will keep you humble.  Some people have a problem saying ‘thank you.’  Pride is a major hinderance to being grateful.  If you think that you don’t owe anyone anything because you got what you got all by yourself, you are so wrong.  No one makes it through this life on their own.  If you think you have, you are forgetting about the one who prayed for you and the one who might have had to sacrifice a need of their own so you could have what you needed.

Honor God with your thankfulness.  As you are blessed, bless others.  Pass it on.  Serve people, love people and always forgive people and most of all, always thank the One who created you, who is always with you and the One who is sustaining you each and every day.  As the Psalmist said ‘let everything that has breathe praise the Lord.’


Make The Most Of A Bad Situation

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation not of our choosing, and further more, it is out of our control.  In times like these, we can either go around murmurring and complaining about how bad our situation is, or we can put our faith to work and make the most of a bad situation.  The choice we make will determine whether or not we are successful.

Your present situation does not mean that you should give up on your dream.  What God allows in your life has a purpose.  Consider challenges as a test and if you pass the test you have become successful in the eyes of God.  Know that if you have a dream or goal and you are doing all you can to reach that goal, expect opposition.  Satan’s job is to aggravate the children of God so be prepared.  Know that your integrity will be on the line and what is inside of you, your attitude to be precise, will direct how you respond to adversity.

The best weapon you have when you are fighting for your life is prayer.  God honors prayer and if prayer is a lifestyle for you, God will hear you when you call and He will work everything out together for your good.  Many people will use prayer as their last resort and only when they have exhausted every other means they had at their disposal, but if you know God as your ‘friend’ and you invite Him into every area of your life, prayer will be the first thing you do.  God is limitless and that is why it is better to put your faith in God rather than in man.

The safest place to be when your world is turned upside down is to be in the will of God.  God will lead you.  God will promote you.  God will give you the desires of your heart if you just wait on Him.  What gas is to a car is what faith is to your destiny – faith moves you forward and will cause you to fight a good fight of faith.  You may not be aware of it but someone is watching how you handle tough situations and if you let your light shine every day no matter what comes your way, your testimony will help someone else find God in their trouble.

Stay true to your commitment to God and lean on Him even when you do not understand.  Walk by faith and not by sight and watch how your heavenly Father will bring order to chaos, peace to any storm and deliverance in your time of need.  You will succeed and success is the best revenge.  God has plans for you and His plans are to prosper you and bring you to His expected end.  Trust and always obey Him.