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Faith is a Choice

The Bible tells us that all things are possible for those who believe.  The key to success is to first believe – believe that you can succeed.  Choosing faith over doubt will determine your outcome.  God has given to every one of us a measure of faith but what are you putting your faith in?  What do you believe?  Who do you trust?  You can’t go forward sitting on the fence.  Deep within you must choose what you are going to believe and that belief system will direct your path and lead you to your destiny.  We all will come to a fork in the road and the path we take will be determined by the choices we make.  Faith will always bring results and that is why God gave us this gift but many of us do not activate that gift and our measure of faith remains small while others activate their measure of faith and they get amazing results.

Faith is believing what you cannot see.  It doesn’t matter if others around you see what you see because their eyes may not be open in this level of faith yet.  Faith moves mountains but this level of faith is born out of the spirit of God.  Christians should become so dependent upon God, trusting him and believing in him to the point that they become like a small child who is totally dependent upon their parents for everything. As a child of God, your heavenly Father wants you to know that he has been and will always be with you as your travel on your journey through life but you must choose to include him.  He will not become an unwelcomed guest in your life, and your life matters to God.  A relationship with God will change everything but most importantly, you will experience a change in heart.  You will embrace life and live with a positive attitude because there will be no more doubt about who you are, what your purpose in life is or where you are going.  Choose faith – you will be so glad that you did.

“Our Father”

There is no such thing as a fatherless child.  We might have homes where there is no father figure but every child comes into this world with a natural father.  The good news for every Christian is that once they accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, they become part of the family of God and Almighty God becomes their heavenly Father.  God is real and he has promised to never leave nor forsake those who have put their trust in him.

God is love and love is what the world is seeking today.  Many of us judge love by the things people do or don’t do for us.  The problem with that is no one is perfect; no one can be with you all of the time, and no one has the ability to solve all of your problems whether they be relational, physical, emotional, financial or spiritual except God.  God’s love is unconditional because when we were still in sin, God showed us mercy and grace by giving us his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as the atonement of our sins if we will just accept this gift by faith.

If you have a father who has guided you in the way you should go, you are truly blessed.  If you grew up without a father and you are now a father yourself, God is your role model.  The Word of God will teach you how to accept God’s love for you so that you can turn around and give it to your children.  It is imperative that you keep your relationship with God strong.  If you are going to depend on anyone, depend on God for everything. Don’t live your life empty.  Some one in your world needs a “Dad” today and if you don’t have children of your own, embrace someone who needs to know what love really is.  Love has found you – now give it away!

The Kingdom of God

“Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  This is how Jesus taught us to pray but do you realize that when you pray this prayer, you are asking for the kingdom of God to come to this earth, and do you realize that the kingdom of God is just a thought away? The kingdom of God is real. There is another dimension, a higher dimension that Believers can enter into where they will experience the power of Almighty God.  The key to open the door of God’s kingdom is faith.  You must believe that God is real and that his kingdom holds all the answers to our earthly trouble.  Elijah prayed that his servant, Elisha’s eyes would be open so that Elisha could see what was not visible to the human eye when they were trapped in the mountains.  Elisha could only see what was in front of him and what he saw caused him to be fearful. He was overwhelmed and believed that there was no way for them to get out of their situation.  Elijah saw things differently.  Elijah saw the army of the Lord surrounding them and he wanted Elisha to see it also.  When the kingdom of God comes upon this earth, it changes things because the spirit of God is present and nothing and no one can usurp the will of God.

Purpose in your heart that you are going to live a godly lifestyle so that you will be in a position to see the kingdom of God on earth.  God has a plan for your life and you don’t have to wait until you get to Heaven to enjoy the blessings of being a child of the Most High God.  Pray that God will open your eyes so that you may see the supernatural that is going on around you all of the time.  Walk by faith and not by sight every day of your life.


The gospels tell us a lot about the compassion of Jesus.  Large crowds constantly followed Jesus and not only did he heal the physical bodies of the people who were brought to him, he also cared about their welfare.  On two separate occasions when Jesus fed the 5,000 followed by his feeding of the 4,000 the Bible first tells us that initially the disciples wanted to send the crowds away so that they could feed themselves but Jesus had compassion on the crowds and he performed a miracle for them by blessing the little food that they had, and not only did every one eat, but they had leftovers as well.

Jesus cares about the details of your life.  He not only wants you to be saved, he also wants you to have what you need on a day to day basis.  The miracles in the Bible have one purpose and that is to increase our faith.  Miracles tell us that there is nothing too difficult for God.  Miracles tell us that with faith all things are possible; but we are not to have a relationship with God just for these signs and wonders. God does not need to show us a sign. Christians are to believe that He is and live their lives walking by faith and not by sight.

God is love.  The question is do you love God? If you do, tell him so and be Christ-like and show the love of God to others.  You just might be the only example of love someone needs today

Embrace Change

There are not a lot of things that are for certain in this life, but there is one thing that will continue to happen as long as we are on this earth – change. Changes occur every day, in all things and in many ways, and if you don’t embrace the necessary changes in your own life, you will never experience the benefits that change provides. Many people are stuck in the past. They hang onto past hurts and failures that only hinder them from moving to the next level. The Apostle Paul told us to forget those things that are behind us and to press forward, look ahead, to those things that are before us.

Changes take people out of their comfort zone and some people are unwilling to take the risk of moving forward. Past hurts and failures do not define who you are today. God wants us to learn from our mistakes but not be limited in how we think and live in the future. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life so that we all can live in freedom. Freedom has its price – it will cost someone something. Many brave men and women have paid the ultimate price for the freedom Americans enjoy today and we should not take the freedom we have, either as a US citizen or as a child of God for granted.

Rear view mirrors are small for a reason. They do not over-shadow the large front windshield of our cars. Embrace change; move forward and become the individual that your heavenly Father desires for you.

How to Impress God

In order to live a successful life, the Bible tells us that we should first seek the kingdom of God and then God would add to us everything else we need. Solomon is a good example of this principle. One day God asked Solomon what could He (God) do for him. (2 Chronicles 1:7). Of all the things Solomon could have asked for, he asked for wisdom and knowledge so that he could judge over the nation of Israel. His response so touched the heart of God, that God not only gave him what he asked for, but also gave Solomon great wealth and honor.

Many Christians today are more focused on seeking ways to obtain wealth than they are with developing their relationship with Almighty God. There is nothing wrong in having wealth as long as your wealth does not control you. Money cannot save you; money cannot heal you. Only the blood of Jesus Christ brings salvation and this salvation is available to every one whether you are rich or poor, black or white, male or female, young or old. Money has its place and purpose but it has to be controlled and not be the one thing that controls people. Much can be done for the kingdom of God with money, but God is more concerned with the heart attitude of the giver. As long as God remains the center of your life, God will not withhold blessing you with the desires of your heart.

Have the heart of Solomon and make it a priority in your life that you will do what you can to serve God and His people. This kind of attitude will impress God and cause you to live under an open Heaven and you will also become a role model for others to follow.


The Bible tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)  Let me add that faith is the knowledge in your heart that what you believe will come to pass.  Faith is not contrary to our circumstances – it is above our circumstances.  Faith takes you to a level that is not reached by everyone.  Many people choose to live in doubt and worry about what may or may not happen, but people of faith are thoroughly convinced that nothing is impossible with God.

After doing all you can do, stand on the Word of God believing that God will do what He has promised.  It takes as much energy to believe as it does to doubt.  The question becomes is your energy going to good use as it reaches up toward Heaven believing in God, or is your energy negative and taking you down into the realm of doubt, fear and unbelief?

Need an Answer

Every one of us is either in the middle of a problem or we just came out of one, and the key to getting through our problems is to focus on the solution and not become over-whelmed by the problem itself.  Jesus showed us how to successfully do this when he fed 5,000 men with just five loaves of bread and two fish.  After instructing his disciples to divide the crowd into groups, he took the bread and the fish in his hand and he looked to Heaven before blessing the food.

Heaven is where all of our answers dwell.  Heaven is where we are to look before we do anything else.  God is our source and as Job declared ‘God, I know that you can do everything.’ Jesus commands us over and over again not to fear, only believe.  Allow your problems to drive you towards God and you will experience for yourself that nothing is impossible with Him.

Can You Hear Him

Many people miss a blessing because they focus on the messenger and not on the message.  God can use anyone or anything to deliver His word to you, but if you have a pre-conceived idea about a person, you just may be forfeiting God’s best for you.  Jesus experienced this problem.  The Bible tells us that He could not do miracles in his hometown of Nazareth because of unbelief.  The people knew his family and watched him grow up and in their eyes Jesus was just the carpenter’s son.  They didn’t realize that the Son of God was right there in their midst and  missed out on the blessings that they could have had, if they had not become too familiar with Jesus.

Put your faith in the message and not the messenger.  Your spiritual growth will continue and become enriched as you commune with your heavenly Father, when you read His Word, and listen to the messages you hear that line up with Scripture. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open and always be willing to recognize the truth no matter what form you find it in.

Only Believe

Most of us are either going through a tough situation or just came out of one, so we can relate to the stories in the Bible that talk about people going through painful situations, and just when they think it can’t get any worse, it does. Jairus had a daughter who was at the point of death. He had heard about the miracles that Jesus was doing and the pain of losing his daughter was greater than his pride. You see, he was a high level political leader whose peers were seeking way to destroy the Son of God. After telling Jesus of his problem, news comes to him that Jesus was no longer needed because his daughter had died. Jesus tells Jairus not to fear but only believe. This was a life changing moment for Jairus. He could either believe in his circumstances or he could choose to believe in Jesus. He chose Jesus, and as a result, his daughter received her healing.

Believers have to make a choice when they are faced with difficult circumstances. We are to walk by faith and not by sight. God wants us to focus on the fact that all things are possible for those who believe. It doesn’t matter how bad your situation looks right now; it may even get worse before it gets better, but the power of Almighty God is not lessen by the degree of difficulty of a problem. God can do everything! The responsibility of the Christian is to only believe. The Word of God tells us not to be anxious about anything but to pray about everything. God will not get involved if you do not involve Him. Depend on the strength of God and you will be victorious over the trials and temptations you will face in your life. Do not fear – only believe!