The Lord’s Prayer contains the following words “thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The only way God’s will will be done on earth is for Believers to yield to God and make themselves available to carry out God’s plan and purposes every day of their lives. Many people have yet to learn God’s purpose for their lives. They aimlessly go about their day doing what they want to do without recognizing that each day is a gift from God and He has a specific plan for their lives. Or, they know that there is something more that they can do but are unable to act upon it because they are not in a position for the spirit of God to move in their lives.
It’s easy to hang onto the hurts, failures and disappointments of the past; some even get stuck there, but God wants those who are called by His name to move forward, to move on to bigger and better things. In 2015, move forward – for your sake you must move forward. God wants to give you beauty for the ashes in your life; but He can’t give you beauty if you are holding onto the ashes. Let it go! Let go of the things that are behind you and reach for the things that lie before you. Want the beauty God has for you more than you want the pain of the past. You are a part of God’s plan for this earth and no one can do what you are here to do better than you can.
It’s good to set goals for yourself, but include the purposes of God in your goal setting. Give Him priority and then ask Him to help you achieve the desires of your heart. As Job said God “can do everything.” God loves you more than you can comprehend, and all He wants is for you to put Him first. God wants you to know that you are here for a purpose, and if you get involved in His purposes, He will get involved in your plans. God can do exceedingly more that you can ask or think but are you willing in 2015 to echo the words of Jesus Christ “nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done?”