
A reasonable and gracious way of preventing a head-on collision with others is to yield and allow the other person the right of way and avoid interpersonal head on collisions.  The Bible tells Christians to submit to one another and that is not always easy to do because it goes against our natural instinct. We live in a survivor mentality; we try to outplay, outwit, out last each other; not to submit to one another. However, learning to submit is just as important as any other discipline that we train ourselves to do.

Submission is an attitude of the heart that keeps a believer broken before God. Brokenness allows a believer to be flexible, teachable and humble before God. When we are broken, we see the fraility of human strength and come to grips with the reality that we can do nothing in our own strength. Then, new strength emerges that God uses mightily. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Do not fear brokenness, for it may be the missing ingredient to a life that emerges with a new kind of strength and experience you never knew before.

Submitting to God is the most important discipline that you will ever learn because if you are submitted to God, you will be obedient to Him and His Word and your life will honor God which is the goal of every Believer.  You become an instrument for God to use after you have been broken and know how important it is to yield to Him.  We are not fit for the Master’s use until we have been broken and reshaped through the growth experiences we go through.  You see God knows just how much and how far to stretch you; He knows your breaking point; therefore, He will always give you a way of escape.

And, when it comes to working with other believers, you have to do what you can do and let others do what they can do. You have to understand there are people that can do things you are incapable of doing. Don’t fight it, embrace it. When you try to do what others can do, you enter into competition with them. Believers who compete with others become frustrated and unfulfilled, because they lose grace. The more people stay banded together in unity, the stronger they will become. From that strength, comes synergy: the interaction of two or more forces with a combined effort that is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Remember, one can chase 1000; two 10,000.

Allow God to give you a chiropractic adjustment today. Totally abandon yourself to His will. God has something specific and special for you to do in His kingdom. Ask God to reveal to you what your part is in His master plan. Find your place and fulfill it, but remember it all starts when you are able to ‘yield.’