To every man who has children, or who serves in the role as a ‘father’ figure in someone’s life – Happy Father’s Day!
Mothers have their special place in their children’s lives, but fathers are just as important and have an enormous influence on their children’s lives as well. Statistics prove that a child who does not have a father or father figure in their lives during their developing years,can be hindered in their maturity as an adult. Fathers have a purpose and a place in the home that cannot de denied and should be recognized.
If you are in a home with a father and feel loved, safe and secure, you are truly blessed, but many people live far different lives. Some children are abused in one way or another and do not know what the love of a father is. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it is not too late to know the love of a Father. God’s love for His children is unconditional and ever-lasting. Even when we sin and come short of the glory of God, God does not give up on us. He allows us to make our choices but He also allows us to suffer the consequences of our mistakes just like any good father does. God knows all about every one of us and He wants us to live a life that is safe and secure.
Thank God today if you have a wonderful father who is there for you. Give thanks if your father did his best to raise you and make you the person who you are today but he is no longer here with you. If you are looking for a father to love you, to guide you and to protect you, look to Jesus. Ask Him into your heart today and let His Father become your Father and He will fill that hole in your heart with a love that cannot be compared to anything you have ever known.