There are so many ways to get someone’s attention. Babies sometimes cry just to have someone pick them up. Young people may chose to dress a little out of the ordinary just to get attention. Single adults do a number of things to get the attention of the opposite sex. We all have done something at one time or another to get the attention of someone but God also wants to get our attention. God knows each of us better than any one else and He knows exactly what to do to make us stop and really see Him. He knows how to shine a spot light on us. God wants to stop us in our tracts so that He can speak to us; so that He can redirect us and most of all, so we can get to know Him in a more intimate way.
The Bible tells us about Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. God let a light shine from Heaven down upon him and Saul immediately knew that it was the Lord. After God got Saul’s attention, Saul became the Apostle Paul and wrote most of the New Testament. Saul became a changed man for the better. Saul was once a persecutor of the church and then became one of the most profound leaders of the church. No one can have an encounter with God and remain the same. God changes the heart of a person and after that, we are able to fulfill God’s purpose for us. We might think that we are doing ok for ourselves, but it’s possible that God has a different plan for us and the only way to turn us around is to get our attention first. Doing the will of God makes all the difference in our lives.
Has God gotten your attention yet? Are you fulfilling the will of God for your life in the way that God intended? Maybe you are still searching for something to fill the void in your life. If you are in the middle of challenging circumstances, consider the fact that God wants you to draw close to Him so that you can hear Him speak to you. God’s ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts. You might even be in a good place right now but be open to the fact that there could be more – much more and the only way you will reach the next level is to pay attention to that still small voice within you. Focus on the light and let the light lead you to your promise land.