A Christian’s journey on earth is a walk of faith. You might be one who God has spoken to and is in the process of leaving your comfort zone and going to a place that you have never been before. Abram heard the voice of God telling him to leave everything behind and go to a place unfamilar to himself. He did not ask God ‘why’ or ‘where is this place?’ Abram simply obeyed God and received the blessings that God promised him.
It is important for every Believer to stop and take a moment to evaluate their relationship with their heavenly Father. You might have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior many years ago, but to live victoriously, you must have a present day relationship with the Lord. It is easy to plan out your whole life – where you will go to school, who you will marry and where you will live, but ultimately, you should realize that God wants to order your steps so that you reach the destiny that He has for you. God does have a plan for you and His ways of getting you there are different than your own. God tells us in His Word that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. God sees the big picture and knows how things are to end. Man can only hope that the decisions he makes will work out for his good.
A mature Christian will let God take control of his life and he will be obedient to doing what the Holy Spirit tells him to do. Trust is the key and you must believe that God is faithful and He will always be there to guide you to victory, but many people are not willing to submit to God to that degree. They want to do all the planning and make all the decisions. That is risky at best, but to those who are like Abram, they leave all the decisions to God and they walk in faith every day knowing that God loves them and has a better plan than they could ever imagine.
Abram was 75 years old when he heard God speak to him and the words he heard changed not only his life, but the lives of many, many Christians to this day. You are never too old for God to use you. So, if you have not yet started your walk of faith, choose to do so today. Submit your life to God and ask Him to guide you, and promise Him that you will follow Him wherever He leads you. A walk of faith is simply taking one step at a time and leaving the details up to God.