Have you ever been in a situation where you knew that only God could get you out of it? In times like these, the first thing you should do is seek the Lord, and be prepared to fast if you are desperate enough. The Bible tells us that if we seek the Lord with our whole heart, we will find Him, and who else has the power to make a way for you when there appears to be no way? God is all powerful and there is nothing too difficult for Him.
While you are waiting on the Lord for direction, delight yourself in the Lord by remembering what God has already done for you. It was God that has brought you this far, and by His grace, He will lead you on. Stand firm, hold your position and you will see the salvation of the Lord. Worship Him and thank Him before you are delivered because the battle is not yours – it is His. Seeking the Lord and worshipping Him is evidence that you trust God and you believe in your heart that He loves you and that He will perfect those things that concern you.
Pray about your problems or worry about them but do not do both. Worry says you don’t believe that God cares or that He will help you; whereas prayer says that you are turning your problems over to the one person capable of handling whatever you put into His hands. What will you choose to do today – pray or worry?