The great baseball player, Yogi Berra, had a saying that became famous and is one of my favorites “it’s not over yet!” How true is this statement when applied to God. The Lord Jesus Christ was constantly teaching his disciples that there is nothing impossible with God if we only believe, and that is still a lesson that many Christians have yet to learn. All things are possible with God, and because God has everything under His control, there is and will always be hope.
Jesus was told that a dear friend of his, Lazarus, was ill but he did not immediately go to his bedside. Jesus spent two additional days where he was because he knew that Lazarus’ sickness would in the end bring glory to God. Even after being told that Lazarus had died, Jesus still believed that there is nothing impossible with God. Jesus did go to see Mary and Martha and found them and the whole village in mourning. Their pain touched him so that the Bible tells us that ‘Jesus wept.’ Jesus wept for their unbelief and not because Lazarus had died. Jesus glorified his Father by praying for Lazarus in the presence of the family so that they would know that what they were about to witness was because of the power of Almighty God. Jesus called out to Lazarus to come forth and he did. God knew that raising Lazarus from the dead as opposed to healing him of his sickness, would have a greater impact on the faith of all concerned and it did.
You might feel like it is all over for you – your job situation, your family concerns or it could be a health issue with you or with someone you love, but you must believe that God has everything under His control. From your perspective you might experience a delay but God knows the exact time to show up and He will never be too late. Never stop believing and never stop hoping no matter what the circumstances might look like. Stand on your faith and tell Satan that “it is not over yet!”