Are you where you imagined you’d be at this age? And God told them “You have stayed long enough in this mount.”(Deut. 1:6) God wants us to pass through the place we are now to a place He has in mind. Everyone in life has his promised land. Unfortunately, some people will not reach that place but some will reach it. Many people are on a merry-go-round (going nowhere fast) and they are comfortable. Their expectations, or lack thereof, doesn’t seem to be much of a problem for them so they remain exactly where they are. They continue to do what they are currently doing and they are getting the same results.
Some people won’t reach their promised land because they are focused on the obstacles rather than on their goal. Obstacles are the frightening things you see when you take your eyes off of your objective. Your greatest crisis will come because of the fear of the problem and not the presence of the problem. If you focus on the difficulties, you will never take the risks necessary to move forward. Instead of working on a strategy to overcome the difficulties, some people decide that they just can’t do it. They chose to walk by sight and not by faith. When you stop using your spiritual sight you will see only the obstacles in front of you and you will not possess the wisdom to realize that God has a plan. God’s plan is designed to move you from the place you are now into the place He has prepared for you.
God told the children of Israel that they would have to fight for their promised land and that is true for us today. It is not our job to question how God will fight for us. You will never see the blue print of your journey. It is our responsibility to take God at His word and move forward in confidence and not be intimidated by the fiery darts of the enemy. Intimidation sees giants; faith reduces the giants to grasshoppers. Faith pushes you into the realm of the supernatural thus making your battles an uneven fight in your favor. God loves uneven battles because He gets all the glory.
Don’t continue to go around the same mountain any longer. Put your faith to work and enter into your promised land. Your promised land is a place of abundance; a place of prosperity and a place of peace for you.