Do you have a situation in your life that has been going on for a long time and you would like for it to change? The first thing you must do is ask yourself ‘do you want to be made well?” It’s not unusual that some people really don’t want to be healed. They want people to feel sorry for them. They love being a victim. If God changed their situation, they then have to ‘take up their bed and walk.’ They would then have to leave the past behind and live the life they should be living. The fact is that some people will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid unwelcome changes in their lives. Their lives are dysfunctional. They are paralyzed in heart and mind. They have never considered that God might have something for them to accomplish.
Even after we are saved, we continue to be confronted by issues in our lives that need to be changed, like bitterness, unresolved conflicts and things that have lie hidden within us for years. The question is, “Do we really want to change?” You must decide not to continue making excuses. That is the victim mentality. It is only when we stop making excuses that we discover that we have the power to change. When Jesus told the lame man to take up his bed and walk, the Lord was telling him not to go back to the way he had been. In other words, anyone who really wants to change must forget the past and move forward. You must not look back because the past has passed and you can’t use it or see it as a crutch anymore. Once you have made a decision to move forward you must stick to it and let go of anything that might hinder you from seizing the opportunities that lie ahead of you. No one drives looking in their rear view mirror. The front window of your car allows you to see what is in front of you. Your determination and faith in God is your front window in your life and the possibilities are unlimited.
God not only cares about you, but He also has a plan and a purpose for your life. God wants each of us to fulfill His destiny for us. The Bible says that Satan comes to ‘kill, steal and destroy.’ Satan can steal from you in so many ways. Not only can he manipulate other people to steal from you, but he can allow you to get caught up in emotions and situations that are not of the Holy Spirit that they hold you in bondage and keep you from receiving God’s best for you. Activate the power of God that lies within you and keep moving towards the mark of the high calling on your life. God loves you and in Him you can do all things.