As Christians we all want to be successful in what God has called us to do. True success is determined by our ability to walk by faith, growing from faith to faith. The righteousness of God is walking in the will of God. We must be people of faith who are allowing the righteousness of God to dwell in us as we go from faith to faith. There will be times in our lives when we need an extra measure of faith to get us to the next level God wants to take us.
Your growth as a follower of Christ will depend on your ability to submit to God’s authority. Abraham submitted to the authority of God and showed his obedience by not withholding his son when told to sacrifice Isaac. He passed this test of obedience and was allowed to keep what he was willing to let go of. You, like Abraham, should be totally convinced that nothing is impossible with God. It’s also important that you press on no matter what you are facing. It doesn’t matter if you are in the valley or on the mountain top, God has promised never to leave nor forsake you and your faith should propel you to keep fighting the good fight of faith no matter what.
People of faith do not allow their faith to waiver even when others are living in doubt or mocking them for their belief. Faith causes you to do what God has called you to do regardless of the support you may not receive from people who don’t understand your commitment to God. You have a calling on your life, and you should walk in humility knowing that God is for you and believing that it is better to obey God rather than man. Walking by faith will also allow you to act and not just talk about what you believe. Your actions speak louder than words and saying that you believe but living a life that shows no evidence that you believe is meaningless.
God is calling all of us at various times to new levels of faith and some of these levels will require great faith. Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Great faith says that you are fully persuaded, you are 100% convinced, you have no doubts. You might have come this far by faith, but it will take great faith for you to receive all that God has for you. Your journey on this earth will take you through many experiences; some will be hard, some will be painful and some will convince a person of less faith to throw in the towel, but remember that ‘without faith it is impossible to please God.’