The Bible tells us that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. God is in the restoration business and no one can restore to the degree that God can. Just think about Job. After having lost everything, and because he remained faithful to God, God restored Job with twice as much as he had before. Restoration is also the theme of Joseph’s story. He was a young boy of 17 when his brothers sold him into slavery and then he had to experience prison because he was unjustly accused of rape. His gift of dream interpretation caused him to come before Pharaoh and later he was made #2 in Egypt. But God did not stop there. God gave Joseph a son which he named Manasseh which means ‘God made me forget the pain of my past.’ His second son was named Ephraim which meant ‘gain in the land of affliction.’
God did not forget all the pain that Joseph had gone through but He had a restoration plan that healed Joseph in such a way that he no longer felt pain. Joseph did not forget what happened to him but he could give his testimony without it causing him any pain and God wants to do the same for you. God knows everything that you have gone through and He does not want you to live in pain. God does not want your relationship with Him to be marred by what happened in the past. God loves you that much; so much so that He wants to be the center of your life and not pain and He will heal you like only He can.
If you are true and faithful to God when you are being tested, God will restore what the enemy has stolen from you. You have a Manasseh, created by God, that is coming to you. Believe it. Speak it out loud and trust that just like Job and Joseph, you will one day look back and see the goodness of God in your life. God doesn’t just replace. He increases by multiplication. God wants to repay or bring into your life something so powerful that it will take away all memories of the pain you have experienced. Remainful faithful to God and He will remain faithful to you.