If you are struggling with feelings that tell you that your life doesn’t matter or that no one really cares about you, I want you to know today that God knows all about you and He cares about your life and what you are going through. If you only knew just how much, you would be amazed.
It’s difficult to have a clear view of your life when you are right in the middle of life’s challenges trying to keep your head above water, but God wants you to have a view from the top. He wants you to know the love He has for you is real and once you accept His gift of love, you will never feel alone again.
God promised never to leave you alone. He has always been with you even before you were aware of His presence. He knows your thoughts and the intent of your heart. He knows your dreams and He knows your frustrations and He knows those things that you fear the most. He knows and He cares and that is why He has adopted you into His family. You have a place in the family of God that no one can ever take away from you. The most important thing you must remember is that every child of God is somebody – somebody that is so loved that He could not allow His child to become separated from Him. To prevent this, He made the greatest sacrifice love can make and that was to give us His only begotten Son to purchase your redemption so that you will forever be with Him.
Part of your story might include a time when you did things that you would not do today but it doesn’t matter. Your past is just that – it is past. Enjoy your walk with the Lord and know that you are loved and accepted just as you are. You belong to God and the miracle of it all is that God belongs to you!