Many believers do not realize the daily battles they fight are all orchestrated by Satan and they are designed to discourage us and steal our joy, peace and especially our faith in God. God knew that man, in his own strength, is no match for Satan so God has provided us with armor that we are to put on every day. With this armor nothing can defeat us; without this armor we will lose.
God’s armor consists of truth, righteousness, gospel of peace, faith, salvation, Spirit of God and prayer. Living in truth is the only thing that will truly set us free. God gives us the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the gospel of peace leads us to salvation. Faith will cause Satan’s fiery darts to have no affect and the Word of God is a lamp to our feet. Praying without ceasing causes us to maintain that daily connection with our heavenly Father. If we remember to clothe ourselves in this armor, we will not only win the spiritual battle we must fight, but we will be able to die to our flesh and live the godly life that God expects of His children.
Putting on the whole armor of God should become as natural as putting on our clothes every morning. Satan wants believers to be so weak that they give in to every temptation that he puts in their path, and that is why we must be diligent in preparing ourselves each and every day. Some people may not recognize the schemes of the enemy but when you live in fear for your marriage, children, job, finances and your health Satan will take advantage of you hoping that you will turn away from God and live for self.
God’s Word tells us that after we have done all, we are to stand. When your journey on this earth is finished, the only one standing should be you, the child of the Most High God.