Hoorah! 2012 is behind us and now it is time to forget those things in 2012 that had a negative impact on us and believe with all of our heart that 2013 will be the best year that we have ever had. God makes all things new, and if you are alive today you have a lot to be thankful for. Why? Because you overcame everything that you were faced with in 2012 and you are still here. Not everyone can say that; not everyone that saw the beginning of 2012 is here today but you are.
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has plans for each of us; He wants to keep us from evil and He wants to give us hope and a future. That is a precious promise and you should hold onto that every day of 2013. If you have dreams that were not fulfilled or if you have unanswered prayers from 2012, continue to have faith in God. Without faith it is impossible to please God, and a lot of people don’t truly understand how important faith is. Your level of faith is what determines your peace. In this world we will have trouble, but remember that the Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world. So, if God be for you, who can be against you? You must have faith and confidence that God is with you always and that He is working out everything in your life for your good. Even if you are unable to see the good right now, continue to trust God, for with God all things are possible to you.
Faith without works is dead, so do your part in obeying what God’s Word tells you to do. Don’t be afraid to stretch your faith. Believe that you can walk on water at God’s bidding. Next, be sure to wait upon the Lord to move in His time and He will then give you the strength that you need to have victory. It is the Lord that goes before you and there is nothing new under the sun – it might be new to you but there is nothing new with the Lord God Almighty. Fear not and don’t let anything stop you from believing in yourself and believing in Jesus Christ. Go as far as your dreams take you and walk by faith and not by sight. 2013 is a new year for a new level of faith. Enjoy it!