I’m sure that you have heard the saying that no matter how bad you have it, there is someone out there who has it worse than you do. Therefore, you ought to be thankful for what you do have instead of dwelling on what you don’t have. The Bible tells us that we should be thankful in all things; meaning no matter what the circumstances are, you should be thankful to God not for the circumstances, but for the fact that He has promised never to leave you. In essence, you will never be alone whether you are facing a family crisis, a health crisis or a financial problem. God has promised to be there with you and to help you, so you do not have anything to fear.
It is a waste of energy to constantly think about what you don’t have or wish that your circumstances were different than what they are. Every good and perfect gift comes from above. There is nothing to gain when you are in that state of mind. Life will pass you by and you will miss precious moments that are right in front of you if you don’t open your eyes to see the blessings you do have. No one has been promised tomorrow. God extends His grace and mercy to you every day that He wakes you up, and for those of you who have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you also have the awesome blessing of having your sins forgiven and you can look forward to spending eternity in Heaven.
The children of God should make every day a thanksgiving day and not wait until the world designates one particular day of the year to be thankful. As you go about your normal activities this week, stop and thank God for what He has done for you and for what He has planned for you. You will realize that God has been so good to you and because of His everlasting love for you, you have much to be thankful for.