There is no such thing as a fatherless child. We might have homes where there is no father figure but every child comes into this world with a natural father. The good news for every Christian is that once they accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, they become part of the family of God and Almighty God becomes their heavenly Father. God is real and he has promised to never leave nor forsake those who have put their trust in him.
God is love and love is what the world is seeking today. Many of us judge love by the things people do or don’t do for us. The problem with that is no one is perfect; no one can be with you all of the time, and no one has the ability to solve all of your problems whether they be relational, physical, emotional, financial or spiritual except God. God’s love is unconditional because when we were still in sin, God showed us mercy and grace by giving us his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as the atonement of our sins if we will just accept this gift by faith.
If you have a father who has guided you in the way you should go, you are truly blessed. If you grew up without a father and you are now a father yourself, God is your role model. The Word of God will teach you how to accept God’s love for you so that you can turn around and give it to your children. It is imperative that you keep your relationship with God strong. If you are going to depend on anyone, depend on God for everything. Don’t live your life empty. Some one in your world needs a “Dad” today and if you don’t have children of your own, embrace someone who needs to know what love really is. Love has found you – now give it away!