Will A Man Rob God?

Will a man rob God?  Yes.  How is this possible?  Anyone not giving back to God one-tenth of what God has blessed him with is robbing God of what rightfully belongs to Him.  It isn’t a matter of God needing your money, rather it’s a matter of where your heart is.  The Bible instructs us to bring our tithes into God’s house for tithing is the means by which our local churches are to be supported so that they may carry out the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Furthermore, it is for your personal benefit that you honor God in this way to show Him that you are submitted to Him and that you are obedient to His Word.

Just as important as it is to tithe, it is important that you do so with a cheerful heart because God loves a cheerful giver.  No one is to give grudgingly but giving should be done in the spirit of love and gratitude.  When you take into consideration the fact that Jesus Christ willingly laid down his life for the forgiveness of your sins, tithing is the least you can do to show that you are grateful for His sacrifice.  Do not give to be saved, but give because you are saved.

God has told us to test Him in tithing because we will see that a life that is lived in total obedience to giving back to God, will be a life that is tremendously blessed.  God has promised to rebuke the devourer for your sake and He will bless the work of your hands and bless your family all because you give back to Him that portion that is His.  God can make the remaining 90% of your finances go much further than if you kept 100% all for yourself.  What’s more, offerings are to be given only after the tithe has been given.  Offerings do not take the place of tithes but is received as a gift by God.

Do you trust God?  Do you trust Him enough to supply all of your needs?  Trust God no matter what your financial condition may be.  Whether your 10% amounts to a lot or very little, it is all equal in God’s eyes.  Obedience makes us equal with one another.  Make tithing one test you will pass and allow the windows of heaven to be opened over you.  Remember, when you give to God, He will give back to you exceedingly more than you gave to Him.  This is a promise that you can always depend on.  Do not rob God but give God your tithes and offerings willingly and cheerfully.