The Best Is Yet To Come

Happy New Year everyone and I would like you to believe what I believe and that is no matter what you are going through the best is yet to come! You might think that you are stuck in a rut and that today is going to be just like yesterday and nothing will ever change, but hold steady because the promises of God are real and waiting on you if you have faith to believe. You may say I’ve been here for all these years and it hasn’t come yet, but hold on the best is yet to come. You may seem to be in a bad situation, and seem to be down and out, but you have to remember that the best is yet to come.

One key principle you must live by is to submit your life to God and don’t try to fix your problems yourself. If you do that, you will make things worse, but if you let God take control everything will be alright. Don’t ever believe that you are in a situation that you cannot get out of. The Bible says that when Jesus was nailed to the cross every sin that we have ever committed was nailed to the cross. Our sins have been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. There is an old song that says I know it was the blood that saved me. So you see God has already set us free. Jesus is good at making a way out of no way. In fact, I don’t know of any other person who is capable of that but once again it takes faith. Believe that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do. Don’t confuse God with the people you know and expect Him to have limitations. Nothing is impossible with God.

There is a Bible story about some of Jesus’ disciples who were fishermen. The Bible says that as Jesus preached along the lake He saw two ships, and He chose the ship of Peter. He told Peter to go out in the lake a little further so that He could preach to the people. As time moved on He finished his sermon, and looked at Peter and told him to cast out his net. You see before Jesus came, Peter and the others were having no luck catching any fish. Jesus looked at Peter and told him to drop his net and try to catch some more fish. I can imagine Peter looked at Jesus with confusion and said to him; I am a real fisherman and this is what I do, and you are going to tell me how to run my business. But nevertheless he dropped his net and when he pulled it up he had so many fish until his boats couldn’t hold them all. You might be good at what you do, but God has blessings that you don’t even have room to receive.

Join me in standing on the promises of God and believe with your whole heart that the best is yet to come in 2016.