From Brokenness to Wholeness

Have you ever been broken – truly broken?  God allows us to become broken because on the other side of brokenness is a victory that you could never have attained in the natural.  Brokenness takes us to a place where we seek God with our whole heart and it is there, in God’s presence, that we are healed.  Do not separate yourself from God but allow God to change your heart and renew your mind so that you become more like the Lord Jesus Christ.  Our hearts must have the capability to hold both whole and broken pieces together without becoming bitter in the process.  There must be enough wholeness within our hearts to not allow the broken pieces we hold to keep us from moving forward.  Brokenness is literally part of the fabric of life, woven into our experience of the world.  There is no person that is immune from it.

On the other side of brokenness is freedom.  You are able to see things you were not able to see before.  You are no longer afraid of anything. Your heart is open and you can sympathize with the pain of others. Your compassion is greater.  Your ability to hear God has been magnified because there is nothing in you hindering the Holy Spirit from talking to you.  You become creative. Ideas begin to flood your mind. and you become humble because what didn’t break you has made you strong, and believe it or not, there are blessings in brokenness.  Often, the blessings are found in the comfort of family or friends.  Sometimes the blessing is in finding forgiveness, of self and of others, that helps us heal ourselves or a broken relationship. Sometimes the blessing might be in finding the wisdom, the strength, the courage we didn’t know we had.

God can take what has been broken and remake it into something better, something that He can use for His glory.  On the night before He died, Jesus broke bread and said, “This is my body, which is broken for you.”  He went all the way to Calvary to die so that we could live. His death has made it possible for broken, sinful humanity to be reconciled to God and be healed.  Without the broken body of Jesus, we would have no hope of being made whole, and because Jesus has redeemed us, we must remember that we are more than conquerors in this life.  We have within us the power to over come any and all obstacles that may come our way.  It’s not what we do – it is what Jesus has already done that makes the difference.  Wholeness in mind, body and soul can only be attianed through the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you know Him as your Lord and Savior, you will not remain in a broken state.  If you do not know HIm as Lord and Savior yet, make the decision to do so now.  Jesus did not die in vain.  He died so that we all might have life and life more abundantly.  When you are sick you need a physician.  When you are broken you need God.  Move from being broken to being whole and experience the love of God like never before.