What Are You Thinking?

In the beginning God had a thought about creating something out of  nothing because Genesis 1:2 says that “the earth was without form.”  The world as we know it today is the result of someone’s thoughts.  Every invention was first a thought in someone’s mind, and that is the key to success.  A thought must be carried out; action must follow before it can become a reality.  We are what our thoughts have made us; so be careful about what you think about. Thoughts live; they travel far.

Henry Ford said that “whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right!” Your thoughts become a reality.  They are powerful because they are either dragging you down or lifting you up and you act based on what you are thinking.  And, don’t try to change someone else’s mind about what they think about you.  That person’s thoughts have no bearing on who you are.  Stay focused on the thoughts in your head and not the thoughts in someone else’s head.   Don’t spend time with negative people; it can rub off on you even if you don’t think it will.  A negative word has life just like a positive word, and if a negative word has the power to make you feel and think bad of yourself doesn’t that mean that a positive word will lift you up and empower you? Use your time and energy to be with positive people and let them encourage and support you.

You are creative whether you realize it or not because God is creative and you were made in His image! Genesis 1:26 says  “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”  If man was created in the image of God,then everyone is capable of creating something and it begins with a thought.  God has given you everything you need to be successful; it’s up to you to ‘think’ how to use what you have and then go do it!  You are one thought away from fulfilling the prophecy you have already been given but you are waiting on God to do the next thing when, in fact, God is waiting on you to think it through and act on it.

John 10:10 says “The enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  Success is taking captive a negative thought and putting on the mind of           Christ. What you think has everything to do with where you go from here.   You are today where your thoughts have brought you.  You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

Question; What are you thinking?