Is God In Your Boat?

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Jesus went looking for Peter and the other disciples.  He found Peter doing what he was custom to doing – He found him fishing.  Peter was a fisherman by trade and knew how to catch fish but on this particular evening, he had fished all night and had caught nothing.  When they returned to shore, Jesus was waiting for them and asked them if they had caught any fish?  After being told that they had caught nothing, Jesus told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat.  They did what Jesus had told them and caught a net full of fish.

You might feel very comfortable doing what you have been trained to do, but one word from the Lord can change everything.  Peter was a professional fisherman, yet he found out that it’s possible to do your best at something you know how to do and have no success.  God knows how to get your attention and He will bring you to the end of yourself so that you are in a position to hear His voice.  Once you hear God’s voice instructing you on which way to go, you should obey regardless if you agree or not.  God has a reason for everything He does and He knows what is best for you all of the time.

Doing something the same way over and over again does not stretch your faith.  Therefore, you should seek God first in everything that you do and trust Him to guide you in achieving your goal.  Following God will stretch your faith from time to time but you will be a better person for it.  In other words, you should invite God into your daily activities to maximize the results you will receive.  Without God you can do nothing; with God there is nothing you can’t do.  God’s ways are different than the ways of man so you must trust Him when and wherever He leads you.  God cannot fail and He will never fail you.  Don’t attempt to do your thing no matter how good you think you are at it without God being involved.