Focus on the Message and not the Messenger

There is a story in the Bible in the 5th chapter of 2 Kings about Naaman.  Naaman was a commander in the Syrian army who came down with leprosy.  He was told about a prophet, Elijah, whose God could heal him.  Naaman, along with a great entourage, goes to Elijah’s house but he is shocked when Elijah sent a messenger out to see him and did not come out to see him personally.  Naaman was insulted by this because he felt that a man of his position in society deserved more than this and secondly, he was appalled by what Elijah told him to do.  Elijah told him to go and dip seven times in the muddy Jordan River and then he would be clean.  Naaman had a serious problem with these instructions because it was not at all what he expected.  He had expected Elijah to come out and put his hands on him and then call upon his God for healing – but all he got was instructions to do something he thought was beneath him.

Never let pride get in your way of receiving what God has for you.  Naaman thought a lot of himself and assumed that others did as well.  This story teaches us that we are not to disregard a word from God because it did not come through a person we expected, nor should we pass up an opportunity to get a miracle because God tells us to do something that we do not want to do.  The Bible tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice and that is all God is looking for.  It wasn’t the muddy Jordan River that healed Naaman, it was obeying the word of God that healed Naaman.  Fortunately for Naaman, the people around him encouraged him to do what he was told, and finally he did so and he was cleansed.  It is not our job to judge what God says; it is our job to obey what God says.  God’s ways are not our ways and whatever God tells you to do, just do it.  It might not make sense to you but it is then that you realize that God has the power to do anything and everything, in His own way and in His own time.  God will exalt those who humble themselves and there is no place in His kingdom for pride or selfishness.

If you need a miracle today, learn from Naaman and position yourself to hear from God, and when you do, don’t doubt it, don’t try to figure out why – just submit and obey.