Do Not Fear Change

Not many people embrace  change.  They are so use to the way things are that they fail to realize that some changes are good and will only make their lives better.  Communication changes have been constant and will continue to change to take us into the future.  No longer do we have to go out of town to visit a loved one.  Now we can post a note to them on Facebook or see them via Skype, and who knows how we will communicate in the next decade, but it is certain that it will be different than it is right now.

Christians must also change and the word of God is there to direct you.  The Bible tells us that a wise man will see danger and avoid it (change) but a foolish man will not change and that man will suffer for it. (Proverbs 27:12). Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  Do not fear change because change is the answer to taking you from one undesireable place to the place God has planned for you.  You should pray that God gives you the wisdom and courage to not only recognize that a change is needed, but the courage to make that change no matter what it is.

Sometimes changes are made because of brokenness.  God will not despise a broken heart or a contrite spirit.  He loves it when His children come to him and ask for His help, thus you will become totally dependent upon Him.  Change will also cause humility.  If you humble yourself before the Lord, He will exalt you.  Pride comes before a fall but God gives grace to the humble.  Change will come if you are honest with yourself to recognize that what you are doing is no longer working.  That might be hard but it will propel you to move forward.

While going through changes in your life, hold on to your faith.  Continue to hope; continue to trust Almighty God and believe that He is working everything out for your good.  Do not be afraid to let go of the past.  Some things are best left in the past so that you do not move into the future carrying old things that will weigh you down.  If you trust God, you will find yourself in a position to accept the decisions He makes regardless if you agree with those decisions or not.  Finally, be grateful for what you have.  God has promised never to leave you, and it is His grace that is keeping you.  You might not have everything that you have prayed for but you do have your life.  Do not take it for granted.  Daily thank the Lord for His goodness and kindness towards you.

Let this be your prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.